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* Ocular Anatomy And Function

* The Vitreous

* Retinal Tear And Vitreous Hemorrhage

* Treatment Of Retinal Tear

* Retinal Detachment

* Scleral Buckling Surgery For Retinal Detachment

* Pneumatic Retinopexy

* Vitreous Surgery (Vitrectomy)

* Vitreous Hemorrhage And Retinal Detachment

* Proliferative Vtireoretinopathy (PVR)

* Giant Retinal Tear

* Diabetic Retinopathy

* Epiretinal Membrane (Macular Pucker)

* Intraocular Infection: Endophthalmitis

* Retinal Detachment With CMV Retinitis

* Trauma And Intraocular Foreign Body

* Dislocated Lens

* Macular Hole

* Submacular Surgery

* FAQ's About Retinal Detachment



Traumatic injuries to the eye can lead to severe retinal problems. A direct blow to the eye may cause vitreous hemorrhage and/or retinal detachment. Pieces of metal, or other materials, called "intraocular foreign bodies", may penetrate the sclera and cause retinal detachment, vitreous hemorrhage, or severe infection in the eye. Even if they don't cause immediate problems, certain metallic foreign bodies may be toxic and can eventually destroy the eye if they remain in place. If the eye is penetrated by a sharp object, scar tissue can form along the track of the object, as well as on the retinal surface. The scar tissue can pull on and detach the retina (traction retinal detachment).

Removal of intraocular foreign bodies.

In cases where trauma has caused retinal problems, vitrectomy may save vision. In some cases, the goal is to remove the intraocular foreign body or blood (vitreous hemorrhage) and repair the damage to the retina with laser or cryo (freeze treatment). In other cases, vitrectomy removes scar tissue from the surface of the retina, or prevents traction retinal detachment from occurring.

The timing of the surgery, and the specific techniques used, will depend on the type of trauma that the eye has suffered. Your surgeon will counsel you about this and talk to you about your chances of saving the eye and vision. Your surgeon will also tell you about the complications of this surgery, the most important of which are loss of all vision and even the eye.


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