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* Ocular Anatomy And Function

* The Vitreous

* Retinal Tear And Vitreous Hemorrhage

* Treatment Of Retinal Tear

* Retinal Detachment

* Scleral Buckling Surgery For Retinal Detachment

* Pneumatic Retinopexy

* Vitreous Surgery (Vitrectomy)

* Vitreous Hemorrhage And Retinal Detachment

* Proliferative Vtireoretinopathy (PVR)

* Giant Retinal Tear

* Diabetic Retinopathy

* Epiretinal Membrane (Macular Pucker)

* Intraocular Infection: Endophthalmitis

* Retinal Detachment With CMV Retinitis

* Trauma And Intraocular Foreign Body

* Dislocated Lens

* Macular Hole

* Submacular Surgery

* FAQ's About Retinal Detachment

Intraocular Infection: Endophthalmitis.

When an infection occurs inside the eye, it is called "endophthalmitis". This is a very serious problem and often results in loss of all vision or even the eye. Endophthalmitis usually occurs after intraocular surgery (surgery done inside the eye) or penetrating trauma. Endophthalmitis may be treated with antibiotics which are given intravenously, as eyedrops, as injections around the outside wall of the eye, or injections into the eye.

If the endophthalmitis is severe, vitrectomy may be necessary to save the eye before all vision is lost. Vitrectomy is done to remove the infectious material inside the eye. At the same time, antibiotics are injected into the eye. Your doctor will discuss with you the best method of treatment, although it must be understood that in any case of endophthalmitis, severe visual loss can occur.


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