In diabetes, there is too much sugar in the blood. When the
blood sugar is constantly or frequently high, many complications
occur: eyesight can suffer, heart attacks and other blood vessel
problems can occur, and one's life-span can be shortened. When
the blood sugar is maintained at a normal level, at or below 126, the
complications of diabetes, including serious
diabetic retinopathy, can be reduced. Controlling blood sugar is
the single most important thing a person with diabetes can do to
prevent the complications of diabetes and diabetic retinopathy.
Type I diabetes usually begins at a young age. People with type
I diabetes must take insulin to survive and to control blood
sugar. Most people with type I diabetes take an
intermediate-acting type of insulin (such as human NPH or Lente)
or a long-acting type of insulin (such as human Ultralente) to
drive a small, constant level of insulin throughout the day. In
addition, they often take regular human insulin before meals to
control the rise in blood sugar that occurs with meals. Some
people with diabetes wear insulin pumps. People with type I
diabetes should test their own blood sugar with a glucometer (a
glucose-monitoring device) several times daily so they can adjust
their diet, exercise, and insulin doses to keep the blood sugar
level below 150 and above 60 at all times. They should follow a
diet controlled in carbohydrates and low in fat and cholesterol.
Regular exercise is also very important as it helps reduce blood
Type II diabetes usually starts in adult life and is often
not dependent on insulin for control of blood sugar. Maintaining
normal weight and a diet low in calories, fat, and cholesterol is
very important. Blood sugar can be controlled either with diet
alone or in combination with pills to lower blood sugar. In some
cases, insulin treatment is also necessary.
All people with
diabetes should see a general physician, internist, or
endocrinologist, who has knowledge of the important ways to help
with diabetes strictly control their blood sugar. The doctor
will probably measure the patient's glycohemoglobin (which
reflects the average blood sugar level for the past two months)
several times yearly.
In addition to the importance of diet and
exercise, there are other factors that can affect diabetes. High
blood pressure is very bad for people with diabetes because it
increase the likelihood of complications, including loss of
vision. Blood pressure should be strictly controlled and kept
normal if at all possible. Smoking is known to be particularly
bad for people with diabetes because it promotes the closure of
blood vessels.
Finally, the severity of diabetic retinopathy is
often related to the length of time the person has had diabetes.
It is unusual for someone with type I diabetes to have
significant diabetic retinopathy during the first 10 years of the
disease. After 10 years, and especially after 20 years, most
people with type I diabetes have some retinopathy, although it
may not be severe, especially if the blood sugar level has been
well controlled. In people with type II diabetes, the diabetic
retinopathy may be discovered shortly after, or sometimes even
before, the diabetes is diagnosed.
All people with diabetes,
especially those who have had diabetes a long time, should have
regular eye examinations (particularly examinations of the retina,
through a dilated pupil) to be sure that diabetic retinopathy is
not developing.